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MembershipThe East India Club, 16 St James's Square, London SW1Y 4LH
The Annual General Meeting for the year ending 30 June 2023 will be held at the East India Club. The AGM will start at 11.00 am (coffee from 10.30 am).
Talks will follow the business of the day:
Louis Platman (Curator at the Museum of the Home) will talk about Real Rooms, a massive redevelopment project that will see the construction on many new period rooms and immersive displays at the Museum, he will also provide updates on the Cotton Collection of English Regional Chairs, and the recently acquired Cotton Archive
Dr Tessa Kilgariff (English Heritage Curator of Collections and Interiors, South London). Marble Hill is a villa situated on the banks of the river Thames in Twickenham, London. Built in the 1720s, it was home to the courtier Henrietta Howard, Countess of Suffolk. In Spring 2022, English Heritage re-opened Marble Hill following an extensive National Lottery Heritage funded project. This talk will explore that project, Marble Hill Revived, by detailing the restoration of the house and gardens, and sharing discoveries made in the course of research in the villa's interiors, collections and occupants. With a particular focus on the conservation of some important pieces of furniture, we will explore the history of Henrietta Howard's riverside home.
Stacey Clapperton (Curator of works of art) and Lucy Odlin (Collections Conservation Manager) for the Palace of Westminster on the history of the design and use of the Speaker's State Coach. Full details will be in the November issue of the Newsletter and also on the website later in the year.
Dr Amy Frost (Senior Curator at Bath Preservation Trust) will reveal the work currently underway at Beckford's Tower in Bath to conserve the building and refit the museum, including how William Beckford's collection and furniture will be presented and interpreted when the museum reopens in March 2024.
Admission to the AGM is free for members but all members wishing to attend should notify the Events Secretary at least seven days in advance. Tickets for a sandwich lunch with a glass of wine at the price of £22 per head should be booked with the Events Secretary at least seven days in advance. We plan to record the talks for those who cannot attend in person.
© Museum of the Home