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MembershipLondon Metropolitan University (Special Collections Building), 25 Old Castle Street, London E1 7NT Wednesday, 22 January 2020 2.30pm - 4.30pm
The Frederick Parker Chair Collection comprises a fascinating collection of around 200 chairs, almost all made in Britain over the past 350 years showing a wide variety of materials, forms, decoration and design. The earliest is an oak framed chair with a leather covered seat and back, made in about 1660 and the latest is the Femur Stool, designed by Assa Ashuach in 2013 based on human bone structure and made as a prototype by 3D printing.
Most of the chair collection was formed in the early decades of the 20th century, by Frederick Parker (1845-1927) and Sons. This was a time when antique styles were popular and Parkers bought antiques in order to copy or adapt them as reproductions, less expensive than antiques and better suited to daily use. Most of the chairs collected by the Parkers date from between 1660 and 1830, and include Queen Anne, Georgian and Regency styles.
In 1997 The Frederick Parker Foundation was formed and acquired 170 of the most significant chairs to ensure their future use for handling and educational purposes. In 2013 ownership was transferred to the Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers. Our visit comprises of a specialist half day study session including a tour of the archive.
Full details including the confirmed date will be published in the November Newsletter and on the FHS website.
The Frederick Parker Collection