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MembershipThanks to the very generous support of members of the Society and a range of funding bodies to our 50th Anniversary Appeal, the Grants Committee is now looking to support major long-term or institutional research projects as well as continuing its work supporting individual research.
The Committee is now inviting applications that develop the scholarship, research and dissemination of knowledge in the history of furniture and interiors. We consider any aspect of these subjects, both geographically and historically, and can cover restoration and conservation, materials and techniques or the trade and art market; there should, however, be an historical perspective to the proposal. We will consider longer-term research proposals either from individuals or as part of collaborative partnerships.
We welcome applications from institutions that provide opportunities for research or career development of post-doctoral students and young professionals. Grants may be offered for amounts up to a maximum of £5,000 annually and for up to three years.
For more information, contact Jill Bace, Grants Secretary, at