A unique and internationally renowned scholarly journal
c.1700 / Cabinet, John Byfield ©V&A Museum
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Furniture History, the journal of the Furniture History Society, is an extensively illustrated scholarly journal issued annually to members.

It is the only journal devoted to the history of furniture from all parts of the world and is internationally recognised as authoritative.

Subjects range from the work of individual makers and designers to aspects of interior decoration, domestic economy and trade practice. Contributions have been made by the leading scholars in the field. From time to time, single issues are devoted to individual subjects or notable articles published in special editions. Potential contributors should contact our Hon. Editor in the first instance via,

Furniture History is sent to FHS members every year as part of their subscription package.  To become a member, please navigate to our Membership page.  If you are not a member, and would like to consult an article, Furniture History - subject to a three year moving wall - is accessible on JSTOR

Alternatively, the FHS holds a limited stock of some copies of past issues which are available to non-members and members for purchase.  For further details, please click here.

Volume LX - 2024

The search functionality on this page can be used to find articles in all issues of the Journal.  Issues of Furniture History are available on JSTOR subject to a three-year moving wall.

Jeremy Warren 'La piu gran coppa del mondo': the imperial porphyry basin at Anglesey Abbey
Joao Magalhaes and Adele Bourbonne Hiding in Plain Sight: the Fouquet Roman inlaid marble top
Anna Maria Massinelli Roman 'Lapidarymania' and the Raffaelli Dynasty
Lola Cindric Expertise and Authority in Colonial Heritage Management in India: a Florentine mosaicist restoring the Diwan-i-'Am's throne, Red Fort, Delhi (1905-08)
Dudley Dodd A Brush with the Goddess: 'fox or hound' tables by William Kent?
Christope Huchet de Quenetain and Moana Weil-Curiel Claude Darras (1717-88), Worthy Successor of Augustin Blondel de Gagny (1695-1776)
Melissa C. Naulin An American Presidential Suite: Pierre-Antoine Bellange's furniture for the White House
Megan Wheeler A Family Affair: John Linnell (1729-96), his sister, Elizabeth (b. 1739), and his brother-in-law, Robert Kilby Cox (d. 1829)
Diana Davis The Building and Decoration of Waddesdon Manor Revealed through the Archive
Martin P. Levy Thoughts on the Twentieth-century Reception of Regency Furniture
Amy Frost Philip Hewat-Jaboor and Furnishing Beckford's Tower